FBC Music Ministry

In Psalm 10:16, God’s Word reminds us that “The Lord is King forever.” Powerful words being that the preceding 15 verses have reminded us, as Dr. John Phillips states in his book Exploring Psalms, “there is trouble in the camp.”  Evil is running unchecked in our world. Sin, hate, and violence are part of our daily life.  But in verse 16–18, there is a reminder that “our God is God.”  In these troublesome times, we need not to allow the outside world to influence our walk with God.  Dr. Phillips writes, “you can put an ocean liner in the middle of the vast ocean, the water outside the ship creates no problem, its only when the water outside gets inside the ship that problem begins.”  Let’s not allow evil to get in our life.  God created man to PRAISE! Let everything that has breath, PRAISE THE LORD!  Now more than ever, we the church need to sing it out: “THE LORD IS KING FOREVER AND EVER!”


Our FBC Choir meets for rehearsal every Wednesday in the choir suite from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm. We would love to have you join us!


Wednesday nights at 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm, our elementary FBC KIDS Choir meets in the Choir Room.  This choir is for all kids 1st – 5th grade.  Our preschool FBC KIDS choir for children ages 4-kindergarten meets in the Children’s Building. We would love to have all our kids part of our choir.


We are off and running and have some exciting plans for the Fall.  We rehearse every Monday night in the choir room, 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm.  We have a great group, but we still have room for you. 


Do you play an orchestra instrument? Brass, woodwind, or string?  Do you play guitar or percussion?  Do you know someone who plays?  We are looking for players to join our team this year. 


The FBC Audio Visual (AV) team handles sound, projection, lights and livestream for our Sunday services! No experience is needed to join this team!

Eddie Lowery – Minister of Music
770-445-8897 ext. 207