Parking lot purchase

The city of Dallas, GA has been working towards a large development project that will bring luxury apartments, condominiums, restaurants, retail space, and office spaces to Dallas.  This development area will be located between S. Johnston St., W. Cooper Ave., Hood St., and W. Memorial Dr.  The church owns a 0.281-acre lot on the corner of W. Cooper Ave. and S. Johnson St. across from our playground.  The city has asked to purchase the 0.281-acre parking lot, enabling them to continue moving forward with this community project.  The city has offered $125,000 for the property which appraised for $98,000.

As per the By-laws of FBC Dallas:

According to Article V. Church Meetings

k. The procedure to be followed in bringing matters of major importance before the Church membership for voting shall be as follows:

  1. There shall be at least two (2) discussion periods held for all items of major importance prior to the vote upon such issues. These discussion periods should be held following regular Sunday and Wednesday night services;
  2. Written notice of the matter to be voted upon, the dates and times of the discussion periods, as well as the date of the Sunday morning vote, shall be published in the Church newsletter and bulletin, at least one time. Such notice shall be published not less than five (5) days prior to such Sunday night discussion and not less than eight (8) days prior to the day upon which the vote will be taken. Verbal notice shall be given during all worship services preceding the discussion periods and the Sunday of the vote.
  3. At each Sunday morning worship service at which the vote is being taken, the Moderator, or such other person as he may designate, shall read aloud the motion, which is being voted upon, and a vote shall be taken without further discussion;
  4. All votes cast for or against such motion(s) at all of such Sunday morning worship services shall be totaled, and the results, as specified by the Church Constitution, shall be controlling. The ballots shall be given to the Church Clerk for recording and reporting.
  • The first opportunity for discussion:
    • Introduce the motion/proposal on Oct. 27th at the regular church conference.
  • The second opportunity for discussion:
    • Oct. 30th during the 6:00 hour.
  • Time of vote with not further discussion:
    • Nov. 3rd following worship service in a special called conference.